Friday, February 2, 2007

Who's Really Responsible?

There's a lot of blame and pointing fingers. George Bush did this or that, Exxon is making obscene profits, global warming is so and so's fault, blah, blah, blah.
Who is still using incandescent bulbs? Who uses water heaters with tanks? Who drives a vehicle which gets less than 30 MPG average? Who drives instead of walking, taking mass transit, or riding a bike? The list goes on.
Anyone who points to others as the villain without first changing themselves is a hypocrite, and most of the loudest public voices are unworthy of their self righteous posture.
Each of us has a responsibility for our current condition, and change occurs first with each individual. Sacrifices have to be made with no thought of immediate reward.

When the Arab Oil cartel drove the price of oil up in the early 1970's we knew we had a problem. We didn't have the benefit of hindsight to see that the result of our collective failure to eliminate our dependency on those who blackmailed us would result in the threat that we face today of being embroiled in a war with terrorists and their sponsors in the Middle and Far East.

We have in our grasp the tools of energy independence; alternative energy technologies and local sources of conventional energy. What we don't have are the population or leadership required to go full force to the task of leaving the uncivilized, backwards, ignorant Islamic Fascists to their destructive ways.
As quickly as we can disentangle ourselves from them, the sooner they can return to their habits of killing each other off. Israel will be temporarily lost, but they are always welcome here with us until some future time.
When JFK defined for the nation a specific goal with a specific time table, he energized the Government and the Nation to fully support the achievement of a man on the moon. There is no such leadership apparent in any current public servants, especially those who would pretend worthiness to be elected President. There is also no will in the soft, cowardly population of the USA to do what is needed to free ourselves from the result of our own complacency.
Are we lost? There are always survivors of any holocaust. But just as in any holocaust, it can be avoided. It requires leadership that is absent in Washington DC.
Whatever George Bush's faults, which are many, at least he has the fighting spirit and balls to stand up and be counted, right or wrong.
Can you say that?

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